YOU can now buy direct from the printer!
These can not be signed as they come directly from the printer bypassing Amazon or another third party and they often cost less even with tax and shipping. I don't think they do returns or ship outside the USA. These will be NEW!

The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat hardback
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Abridged PB
Barnes and Noble
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat hardback
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Abridged PB
Barnes and Noble Author Page
Amazon Author Page
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat book,
includes hundreds
of full color
Ragdoll color
and pattern photos
from over 40 cat

2024 may be the last year in print as
the printer and the resellers have created issues of working together. You can buy directly from the printer above, or check Barnes and Noble and Amazon links top left, just be sure you're not buying from a third party reseller so that you get a new book as it was intended for print.
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Abridged Edition is included in the new book section of Cat Fancy Magazine August 2014 59
According to The International
Cat Association, the Ragdoll
is one of the most popular
cat breeds, and one of Cat Fanciers’ Association fastest
growing breeds
Have you ever heard of a floppy cat?
The International Cat Association, TICA, states the Ragdoll is one of the fastest growing breeds, second only to the Bengal. According to the Cat Fancier’s Association, CFA, the Ragdoll is the fourth most popular breed.
If you’ve never heard of a Ragdoll cat or already own one and would like to learn more about this wonderful breed of cat— this book is for you.
Learn about the Ragdoll-flop. Read about everything from the Ragdoll’s beginning, to “saying goodbye.” Discover the Ragdoll colors and patterns with hundreds of full color photos.
This book covers Ragdoll characteristics, traits, history, breed standard, bringing your kitten home to caring for your elderly cat, grooming care, cat food, litter and litter boxes, deterring unwanted behavior, travel, dangers, emergencies, disease, health, vaccinations, tips for finding a veterinarian and choosing a breeder. Also included is a list of questions to ask before you adopt, plus extensive resources, references, and links.
We know the breed to be a large, floppy, dog-like, cuddly cat. The Ragdoll is known for its affectionate personality. Most Raggies are great with people and other pets. They are trusting enough to flop belly-up for a tummy rub. They are outgoing and playful but not hyper or lazy.
It is not hard to choose the friendly Ragdoll as a wonderful breed of cat, but it is hard to choose which color and pattern with all the beautiful choices!
Want your own copy of the book?
Go to (USA) or Barnes and Noble to purchase an unsigned hardback book, or abridged paperback.
I have noticed others selling my books online for more than you can buy a new copy online directly from Amazon or B&N. In the US, the hardback typically sells for $55, the paperback for $25, often with free shipping and sometimes coupons. If it doesn't say sold by Amazon or Barnes and Noble, you are likely buying a used copy from a reseller. Also if you see a place to download a copy please, please know that this book is only available in print. I never made it into an ebook and I have no idea what kind of book you'd be downloading or if that just gets you a computer virus.
If you would like a signed copy I have a very limited amount available in hardback only. Please use the contact form on the About Me Page.
See this page to read reviews.
Yes, these books have LOTS of photos, which says so right in the description. Someone commented it seems like "an individual's photo album" . I've had 3 cats so far, although one chapter is about my cats. As the author that was my choice. There are so many cats photos in this book, and a big thank you to the owners who allowed me to showcase their cats. I wanted this book to show as many colors and patterns as possible because I looked for that in a book and there was not one in print. No, they are not all my cats. Also, the books are not exactly the same, the paperback is is an abridged edition. See the details below. Both are non-fiction books. That means it contains facts. Facts that don't change from the start of the breed so yes, you can hunt all over and compile those facts yourself like on any subject. It took me 4 years to write this book and gather the information, get the details, rights for the use of photos from multiple people, and put it all in one spot.
I do not determine the price for these books, that is the printer and the sellers.
Thank you to the reviewers who understand this. Also, I do not ship out these books so if you buy a copy from Amazon or Barnes and Noble that says it's new and it's not, you should take that up with the seller.

Hardback on left Paperback on right
242 pages 2012 The Hardback 978-0-9839860-2-7
218 pages 2014 The abridged paperback 978-0-9839860-7-2
I was often asked to make a more affordable copy.
Due to the full color interior, print quality and size there wasn’t a way to do this without outsourcing overseas.
I am not willing to do that.
To meet this request, the solution was to use a thinner paper, more economical printing technique
and to slightly reduce the size.
See the comparison to learn
how the hardback and paperback differ.

From the Ragdoll beginning to “saying goodbye,”
learn about Ragdoll colors, patterns, characteristics, health and breed standards. Includes tips for finding a breeder and questions to ask. If you’ve never heard of a Ragdoll, or already have one and would like to learn more about this wonderful breed of cat and its care — this book is for you.
Over 700 full-color Ragdoll color and pattern photos, printed in a non-glare matte finish.
Chapter One- The Remarkable Ragdoll
Ragdoll-flop ▪ temperament ▪ personality ▪ size ▪ appearance ▪ breed standard
Chapter Two- Colors and Patterns
seal ▪ chocolate ▪ blue ▪ lilac/frost ▪ red/flame ▪ cream ▪ mink ▪ silver ▪ sepia ▪ cinnamon ▪ black ▪ white ▪ fawn ▪ smoke ▪ colorpoint ▪ bicolor ▪ van ▪ lynx ▪ tortie ▪ torbie ▪ self-color/ solid ▪ mismark ▪ color changes from young to adult ▪ registries
Chapter Three- Ragdoll or RagaMuffin, What’s the Difference?
comparing these two similar breeds
Chapter Four- The Mysterious Beginning
Ann Baker and the foundation cats for the Ragdoll breed; Raggedy Ann Daddy Warbucks, Raggedy Ann Fugianna and Raggedy Ann Buckwheat ▪ other breeds like the Honey Bear, Cherubim, Baby Dolls, Doll Babies, Birman, Burmese, Balinese, Persian and RagaMuffin ▪ the light and dark side ▪ pointed and solids ▪ breed start ▪ introduction to the UK ▪ influential breeders in gaining recognition in the cat fancy ▪ registries today
Chapter Five- Finding and Choosing Your Ragdoll
list of questions to ask a breeder before you purchase your Ragdoll ▪ where to find your Ragdoll ▪ pricing ▪ contracts ▪ visiting a cattery ▪ cat shows ▪ two photo series showing the first few months of Ragdoll kitten growth
Chapter Six- Bringing Your Ragdoll Home
preparation for bringing your Ragdoll home ▪ what to have on hand ▪ introducing your new Ragdoll to your home and existing pets ▪ tips to ease the transition
Chapter Seven- My Furbabies
author’s personal story of finding her Ragdoll wannabe (non purebred) rescues, and her cat’s personalities ▪ things she did, and things she would do differently
Chapter Eight- Toys and Trees
what to look for in cat trees ▪ toys ▪ scratchers ▪ scratching post ▪ perches ▪ training your cat
Chapter Nine- Grooming and Cleaning
self grooming ▪ over grooming ▪ desensitizing ▪ teeth cleaning ▪ brushes ▪ combs ▪ bathing ▪ mats ▪ drying ▪ trimming and shaving ▪ preventing hairballs ▪ shedding ▪ nail care ▪ hair removal ▪ floor care and clean-up
Chapter Ten- Food
ingredients ▪ feeding raw food ▪ bowls ▪ water fountains ▪ food standards ▪ safety ▪ recalls
Chapter Eleven- Dangers and Emergencies
help lines ▪ poisons or toxic food, plants, yard, garage and household dangers ▪ evacuations ▪ emergency and first aid kit lists ▪ cat-proofing ▪ deterrents ▪ having your cat outside ▪ collar, leash, stroller and enclosures ▪ microchips ▪ what to do if your cat is lost
Chapter Twelve- Litter and Litter Boxes
types of litter ▪ litter boxes ▪ location and quantity of litter boxes ▪ cleaning boxes ▪ pregnant women and toxoplasmosis ▪ floor care after a mishap ▪ inappropriate elimination
Chapter Thirteen- No-No's— Deterring Unwanted Behavior
distraction ▪ deterrents ▪ discipline ▪ biting ▪ aggression ▪ scratching ▪ plant eating ▪ cats on kitchen counters ▪ territorial issues ▪ understanding your cats behavior ▪ felines not getting along ▪ behavioral issues ▪ spraying
Chapter Fourteen- Your Ragdoll and Travel
boarding ▪ pet sitters ▪ separation anxiety ▪ traveling with your cat ▪ pet friendly hotels
Chapter Fifteen- Feline Traits and Characteristics
the senses: sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste along with that sixth sense cats seem to have ▪ why cats do what they do ▪ whiskers and tongues ▪ kneading ▪ purring ▪ scent marking ▪ mood clues ▪ righting reflex ▪ blood types ▪ why having a pet is good for you
Chapter Sixteen- Veterinarians and Vaccinations
vaccination guidelines ▪ form of vaccine: live, modified live, killed, recombinant, adjuvant and non-adjuvant ▪ what to look for in choosing a vet ▪ traditional and alternative medicine ▪ cat years ▪ visiting the vet ▪ vaccine associated or injection site sarcomas ▪ surgery
Chapter Seventeen- Feline Health, Illness and Diseases
dental ▪ temperature ▪ weight ▪ medication ▪ pilling ▪ allergies ▪ DNA and PCR testing ▪ vomiting ▪ hairballs ▪ diarrhea ▪ constipation ▪ cats anal glands ▪ parasites: fleas, ticks, worms ▪ infections and viruses ▪ asthma ▪ colds, cat flu and upper respiratory infection URI’s ▪ feline herpes FHV-1 ▪ viral rhinotracheitis FVR ▪ feline infectious peritonitis FIP ▪ feline enteric coronavirus FECV ▪ feline panleukopenia FPV ▪ feline immunodeficiency virus FIV ▪ feline leukemia virus FeLV ▪ urinary issues and feline lower urinary tract disease FLUTD ▪ stones and crystals ▪ diabetes ▪ pancreatitis ▪ liver disease ▪ hypertension/blood pressure ▪ thyroid disease ▪ hypertrophic cardiomyopathy HCM ▪ polycystic kidney disease PKD ▪ kidney disease, chronic renal failure CRF and acute renal failure ARF ▪ cancer ▪ seizures ▪ arthritis ▪ old age
Chapter Eighteen- Saying Goodbye
hospice ▪ euthanasia ▪ grief ▪ in memory ▪ planning for your cats future if you are no longer able to care for it
Resources and References
Glossary including abbreviations (hardback)
Index (hardback)
Note that all web addresses or links are in blue text so they are easy to spot.
Book sites the following sources: History petlabel.htm recalled cat food and recalls
Pam Johnson-Bennett’s book, Think Like a Cat
ASPCA list of poisonous plants
Along with a large list of resources, links, books, magazines and more
© 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 Kimberly H. Maxwell
All rights reserved. No portion may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or retrieval system, transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise without the permission of the copyright holder, except for brief quotations in reviews and articles.