Wife, mom to children with fur, book cover designer, photographer, animal lover, author of the books "The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat," and "You Had Me at Meow." I was in retail furniture and interior design for 20 years, 15 of those self-employed.
I was a professional member of CWA, the Cat Writers Association from 2012 through 2016. I am currently a member of several Ragdoll cat groups, writer groups, photography and camera clubs.
Look above at the different page tabs to connect, for book cover design and book cover photography, cats, the cat books I've authored, my blog with random thoughts, and photography.
To learn more about my book cover design, photography or the books I've authored, visit design.KimberlyMaxwell.com for more info on my Ragdoll cat books visit TheFriendlyFloppyRagdollCat.com or atmeow.com for You Had Me at Meow... or just click the links at the top.
If you would like to purchase a print, a photo for a book cover, or get permission to use my images for any reason please contact me. My images are copyrighted and all rights reserved. In addition to the photos on my blog, you can see a few of my photos at Viewbug or Flickr. I do plan to simplify my photos into a portfolio.
You can help support by simply clicking through the Amazon Associate links from my site, as I get a small commission and I can continue to bring reviews and details about cat info, WNC area or photography. All my research, spreadsheets, comparing and time telling you about my findings should at least be worth a click -right? Every click thru to purchase helps, and I thank you.
I have not been paid for any of my reviews. I'll be sure to let you know if by chance a company sees my review and gives me free product or payment for it :)
I am happily married to my best friend for over 30 years. I like spending time with my family, my furbabies and friends, photography, design, animals (especially cats and horses) reading, walks, easy hikes, finding waterfalls, naps, fudgy brownies, reading, watching movies, the crisp colors of Autumn and I love Jesus. I'm not a fan of any sports, sushi, onions, pinto beans, migraines, fake people, or bullies.
Just like my blog tag line "Covers, Cats and Clicks" you find posts about books, book covers, book cover design, cats especially Ragdoll Cats and Clicks is about photography. I post my thoughts and reviews on those things plus my thoughts on life in general or products we've tried.
My books of course, were edited— this blog, however, is not. No grammar or spelling police here please. I write like I think and talk, and it is in no way correct.
Thanks for stopping by
~ Kim
Product photography and book cover design design.KimberlyMaxwell.com/
My Amazon http://tinyurl.com/KHMaxwellonAmazon and Amazon Influencer page https://www.amazon.com/shop/kimberlyhmaxwell
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat hardback, The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Abridged Edition paperback
Barnes and Noble Author Pages.
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Hardback on Barnes and Noble
The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat Abridged Edition Paperback on B&N
www.atMeow.com for both editions of You Had Me at Meow; Considerations before Adopting your Cat. Available in paperback or eBook. http://tinyurl.com/atMeowPB You do not need a Kindle to read it. Use free Kindle reading apps to read on your computer, tablet or even your phone.
www.TheFriendlyFloppyRagdollCat.com for both editions of The Friendly Floppy Ragdoll Cat books and my Amazon author page. The Hardback and abridged Paperback
See a few of my photos at Viewbug or Flickr
Here is my referral link to On1 and Topaz ( both great photo editing tools)- use them and we both save $ http://www.topazlabs.com/?hr=mQDP4 and for photo printing, I like Printique (formerly AdoramaPix)
If you would like to save 15% off your purchase from Vanguard click here, and use this referral code SAVEWITHKIMINWNC I like their camera bags and tripods.
I use Envato Market Graphic River https://graphicriver.net/category/add-ons?ref=KiminWNC . If you use my link and purchase something I get credit, so thank you. https://graphicriver.net/user/kiminwnc
Enjoy saving money on stuff you were gonna by anyway? I do and use Rakuten!
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/KimberlyHMaxwell
YouTube www.youtube.com/user/KimberlyHMaxwell
Pinterest http://pinterest.com/khmaxwell/
Viewbug https://www.viewbug.com/member/KiminWNC
Thank you for taking the time to tell others that you think may enjoy the book, social media or website. Kim